Economics Seminars (2012-2013)
Unless otherwise noted, seminars begin at 16:00 and finish around 18:00. Room Camille Joset (401), 4th floor, Rempart de la Vierge, 8.
Economics Seminars 2012-2013
co-organized by CERPE, CRED and CEREFIM
September 10 - Xavier Gine (The World Bank) - Strategic Default in joint liability groups: Evidence from a natural experiment in India
September 21 - Rajiv Sethi (Barnard College, Columbia University) - Group Inequality
September 25 - Jan Klingelhöfer (RWTH Aachen University) - The Swing Voters' Blessing
October 2 - Michel Beine (University of Luxembourg) - Dutch Disease and the Mitigation Effect of Migration : Evidence from Canadian Provinces
October 9 - Salvatore Di Falco (University of Geneva) - How to adapt to Climate Change? Evidence from the Nile Basin of Ethiopia
October 16 - Chris Neely (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) - International Channels of the Fed's Unconventional Monetary Policy (Workshop Ch. Lecourt)
October 23 - Gianmarco Leon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - Turnout, Political Preferences and Information: Experimental Evidences from Peru
October 30 - Francesco Fasani (Institut d'Analisi Economica) - The prospect of legal status and the employment status of undocumented immigrants
November 6 - Stephan Litschig (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - Audit Risk and Rent Extraction: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Brazil
November 12 - Workshop 'The Macroeconomics of sovereign debt' (R. Houssa)
November 20 - Claudio Ferraz (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro) - Does Oil Make Leaders Unaccountable? Evidence from Brazil's Offshore Oil Boom
November 22 - Tanguy van Ypersele (GREQAM) - Crime, wealth and protection: a theory and Canadian evidence
November 27 - Priscila Souza (TSE) - Moral Hazard in the Family
December 3 - Juan Carmilo Cardenas (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) - Vertical Collective Action and the Distributive Challenges of Cooperation: Experiments in the Developing World
January 29 - Bertrand Candelon (Université de Maastricht) - Multivariate Dynamic Probit Models: An Application to Financial Crises Mutation
February 5 - Yanos Zylberberg (CREI) - Dynastic mobility
February 12 - Francisco Pino (ULB) - Is There Gender Bias Among Voters? Evidence from the Chilean Congressional Elections
February 19 - Daniel Paravisini (LSE) - The information and agency effects on scores: randomized evidence from credit committees
February 26 - Luc Behaghel (PSE) - When anonymous resumes do not help Lakisha and Jamal. A field experiment with real candidates.
March 12 - Martin Quaas (Universität zu Kiel) - CANCELLED
March 20 - Juan Antonio Morales (Columbia University) - Left populism in Bolivia: economic policies and consequences
April 22 - Thierry Mayer (SciencesPo) - The Economic Incentives of Cultural Transmission: Spatial Evidence from Naming Patterns across France
April 23 - Nikolai Hoberg (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) - Irreversibility, ignorance, and the intergenerational equity-efficiency trade-off
April 30 - Cedric Tille (The Graduate Institue, Geneva) - A bargaining theory of trade invoicing and pricing
May 7 -
May 14 - Paul Glewwe (University of Minnesota) - Heterogeneity in impacts of school characteristics on student learning in developing countries: evidence from Vietnamese and Peruvian panel data
May 16 - Kevin Tsui (Clemson U.) - Economic Foundations of Political Monopoly
May 21 - Matthew Ellman (Institut d'Analisi Economica) - How to subsidise the news
May 28 - Michael Carter (UC Davis) - A Theory of the Political Economy of Inclusive Rural Growth
June 4 - Mathieu Parenti (UCL) - International Trade: David and Goliath
June 10 - Boris Gershman (American University) - The two sides of envy (exceptionally on Monday at 1pm at room E43!)
June 11 - Robert Kollmann (ULB) - Global banks, financial shocks and international business cycles: evidence from an estimated model
June 18 - Ruben Durante (Sciences Po, Paris) - Voting alone? The political and cultural consequences of commercial TV
June 25 - Marie-Anne Valfort (Paris School of Economics) - The effect of weather-induced internal migration on local labor markets. Evidence from Uganda.
Last updated: June 18, 2013
Seminars planned for next year 2013-2014
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