DeFiPP Workshops (2024-2025)

The DeFiPP Workshop takes place on Tuesday from 13:00 to 14:00 (see location below).


11-02-2025 - Jean-Marie Baland (U.Namur) - Title: How to do an applied microeconomic paper in development economicslocation: "Salle Polyvalente"

18-02-2025 - David Sonnewald (UC. Louvain) - Title: Marginal Personal Income Tax Changes: Tax Revenue, Welfare, and Labour Supply Responses location: "Salle Polyvalente"

04 -03-2025 - Lorenzo Trimarchi (U.Namur) - Title: TBD - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

11-03-2025 - Nicolás Larrea Avila (U. Namur) - Title: Reducing employers’ contribution: enough to enhance formality? The case of the Law 26.940 in Argentina. location: "E33"

25-03-2025 - Auguste Debroise (U.Namur) - Title: TBD - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

01-04-2025 Malka Guillot (U.Liège) - Title: TBD - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

15-04-2025 - Giorgio Ferroni (U. Namur) - Title: TBD - location: "Salle Polyvalente"



24-09-2024 - Milan Van Steenvoort (U. Namur) - Title: Exposure to refugees may mitigate political shifts towards the far-right. - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

01-10-2024 - Pablo Álvarez-Aragon (U. Namur) - Title: Ancestral Beliefs and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa. - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

08-10-2024 - Juliette Crespin-Boucaud (U. Namur) - Title: Interethnic marriages in Zaire - location: E23

15-10-2024 - Benoit Decerf (U. Namur) - Title: Attitudes on the trade-off between longevity and income: an online survey. - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

22-10-2024 - Mathilde Sage (UC Louvain)Title: Children are a Poor Women’s Wealth: How Inheritance Rights Affect Fertility. - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

[29-10-2024Etienne Le Rossignol (U. Namur) - Title: TBD - location: "Salle Polyvalente"] - Cancelled

05-11-2024 - Benedetta LervaTitle: Fostering Human Capital through School Feeding and Teacher Incentives: Evidence from an RCT in the Gambia - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

12-11-2024 - Jing-Rong Zeng - Title: Beggar Thy Neighbor? Illicit Gold Trade and Conflict in the African Great Lakes Region location: "Salle Polyvalente"

19-11-2024 - Antoine Germain (UC Louvain) - Title: Welfare effects of working time reductions - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

26-11-2024 - Álvaro Zúñiga Cordero (U. Namur) - Title: Income Shocks, Economics Inequality, and Political Realignment: Voter Turnout and the Shift to a Multi-Party System in Costa

Rica - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

03-12-2024 - Andrew Newman (Boston University) - Title: Competing for the Quiet Life: An Organizational Theory of Market Structure - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

10-12-2024 - Zhanar Konys (U. Namur) - Title: Studying Son Preference in Kyrgyzstan: Insights from Historical and Contemporary Data - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

17-12-2024 - Ángela Lülle (U. Namur) - Title: Bottom-up discrimation: understanding rural workers' behavior in southern Benin. - location: "Salle Polyvalente" 



Last updated: 09-06-2024 | Contact: