Economic Seminars (2023-2024)

Economics Seminars are co-organized by CRED, CERPE and CeReFiM. Seminars in Namur usually take place on Tuesday, start at 4pm and end between 5.15pm and 5:30pm (location: TBD). Joint Macro Seminars take place in Brussels at the NBB (Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères 61, Brussels).



September 19 - Yogita Shamdasani (National University of Singapore) - Habit Formation in Labor Supply - E33

October 03 - Fabio Canova (BI Norvegian Business School) - What drives the recent surge in US inflation? The historical decomposition roller coaster - E33

October 10 - Holger Strulik (University of Göttingen) - Automation and the Fall and Rise of the Servant Economy - E33

October 12 - Gunter Coenen (European Central Bank) - Joint Macro Research Seminar in Belgium (exceptionally on Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm) - NBB

October 17 - Belinda Archibong (Columbia University) - Prison Labor: The Price of Prisons and the Lasting Effects of Incarceration - E33

October 24 - Marco Grotteria (London Business School) - The Effects of Environmental Health Risks on Housing Values and Minorities - E33

November 14 - Giacomo Ponzetto (UPF) - Do Incompetent Politicians Breed Populist Voters? Evidence from Italian Municipalities - E33

November 16 - Simone Lenzu (NYU Stern) - Joint Macro Research Seminar in Belgium (exceptionally on Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm) - NBB

November 21 - David Laitin (Stanford University) - Conference on African Economic Development - TBA - E33

November 28 - Fiona Scott Morton (Yale School of Managment) - Platform Annexation - E31

November 30 - David Hémous (University of Zurich) - Adverse Selection as a Policy Instrument: Unraveling Climate Change - E31



February 06 - Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim) - Ad Blocking, Whitelisting, and Advertiser Competition - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

February 13 - François Maniquet (Université catholique de Louvain) - Conditionality of social transfers and the social welfare effects of a universal basic income - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

February 20 - Karsten Mau (Maastricht University) - International Transport Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development - E33

February 27 - Dzhamilya Nigmatulina (HEC Lausanne) - Military Conflicts, Sanctions, and International Trade: Evidence from Russia - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

March 05 - José De Sousa (University of Paris Panthéon-Assas) - Deliver us from Crime? Online Platforms, Gig Jobs, and Offending - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

March 12 - Michailis Moatsos (Maastricht University) - Stress-testing the international poverty line and the official global poverty statistics - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

March 19 - Eduardo Montero (University of Chicago) - TBA - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

March 21 - Eric Ghysels (UNC Chapel Hill) - Tensor Principal Component Analysis with Applications in FinanceJoint Macro Research Seminar in Belgium (exceptionally on Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 pm) - NBB and online

March 26 - Jesus Vazquez Perez (University of the Basque Country) - Uncertainty, misaligned expectations, and bond term premium measures - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)



April 30 - Selien De Schryder (Ghent University) - Assessing the Heterogeneous Impact of COVID-19 on Consumption Using Bank Transactions - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

May 07 - Michele Fioretti (Sciences Po) - Concentration and Markups in International Trade - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

May 14 - Rannenberg Ansgar (NBB) -Income inequality and the German export surplus - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

May 21 - Gunes Gokmen (Lund University) - Traditional Norms and Parental Investment in Human Capital - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

May 28 - Karine Marazyan (Université de Rouen Normandie) -  Economic Shocks and Requests for Divorce : Evidence from Judicial Archives for Colonial Senegal - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)

June 04 - Maria Micaela Sviatschi (Princeton University) - TBA - "Salle Polyvalente" (Ground floor)



Last updated: 11 September 2023 | Contact: