Economics Seminars (2024-2025)

Economics Seminars are co-organized by CRED, CERPE and CeReFiM. Seminars in Namur usually take place on Tuesday, start at 4pm and end between 5.15pm and 5:30pm (location: "Salle Polyvalente"). Joint Macro Seminars take place in Brussels at the NBB (Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères 61, Brussels).



February 04 - Maya Eden (University of Zurich) - Title: The Ethical Mirror - Location: "Salle Polyvalente"

February 11 Christian Pröbsting (KU Leuven) - Title: Aggregate and distributional effects of a carbon tax - Location: "Salle Polyvalente"

February 18 Etienne Guigue (LMU) - Title: Markups and Markdowns in the French Dairy Market - Location: "Salle Polyvalente"

March 04 - Maria Sviatschi (Princeton) - Title: Breaking the Gang: A Preventive Approach to Reduce Recruitment in Schools - Location: "Salle Polyvalente"

March 11 - Nicola Limodio (Bocconi) - Title: TBD Location: "Salle Polyvalente"

March 18 - Mathias Dewatripont (ULB) - Title: TBD - Location: "Salle Polyvalente"

March 25 - Jean-Paul Carvalho (Oxford) - Title: TBD - Location: "Salle Polyvalente"




September 17 - David Gomtsyan (Université Clermont Auvergne, CERDI) - Title: The Joint Venture - location: E33

September 24 - Mathieu Couttenier (ENS Lyon, CEPR) - Title: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mines in Africa: Where, When & Why - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

October 01 - Daniel G. Mahler (World Bank) - Title: Emissions-adjusted poverty, a new metric internalizing the future poverty impact of national emissions - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

October 15 - Elsa Leromain (University of Antwerp, IRES, CEP, CESifo) - Title: Import Liberalization as Export Destruction ? Evidence from the United States - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

October 22 - Adrien Montalbo (IESEG School of Management, IFLAME) - Title: Freehold Land, Resistance To Authoritarianism and Support for Democracy - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

October 29 - Jankte De Boer (Ruhr University Bochum) - Title: FX Dealer Constraints and External Imbalances - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

November 05 - Eduardo Montero (University of Chicago, NBER, BREAD) - Title: The Price of Faith: Economic Costs and Religious Group Membership in Sub-Saharan

Africa location: "Salle Polyvalente"

November 12 - Gregor von Schweinitz (Corvinus University, IWH) - Title: Fiscal Policy under the Eyes of Wary Bondholders - location: "Salle Polyvalente"

November 19 - Philip Ushchev (Université libre de Bruxelles, ECARES) - TitleNetwork Structure and Political Polarizationlocation: "Salle Polyvalente"

November 26Matteo Paradisi (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance) - TitleOne Cohort at a Time: A New Perspective on the Declining Gender Pay Gaplocation: "Salle


December 03 - Manisha Shah (UC Berkeley, NBER, BREAD, CEGA, IZA) - Title: Sex, Power, and Adolescence: Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Behaviors - location: "Salle


December 10 - Demid Getik (Durham University) - Title: Migration inflow and school performance of incumbentslocation: "Salle Polyvalente"

December 17 - Luca Pensieroso (UCLouvain, IRES) - Title: Fertility and Family Type in the United States: a Historical Analysis - location: E31




Last updated: 06 September 2023 | Contact: