1) Álvarez-Aragón, P. (2025). Ancestral Beliefs and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa.
1) Álvarez-Aragón, P. & Champeaux, H. (2024). Measuring Norms and Enumerator Effects: Survey Method Matters.
2) Champeaux, H., Gautrain, E. & Marazyan, K. (2024). Men’s premarital migration and marriage payments: Evidence from Indonesia.
3) Baraka Kusinza, D. & Guirkinger, C. (2024). Cooperation in Polygamous Households. Experimental Evidence from Northern Benin.
4) Baraka Kusinza, D. (2024). Are American Women more Deprived than Men ?
5) Dejardin, M., Farè, L., & Toulemonde, E., (2024). Promoting Small Businesses' Access to Credit and Innovation through a Reform of the Bankruptcy System: Evidence from Slovenia
6) Baland, JM., Cassan, G. & Woitrin F. (2024). Stopping Rule as Sex-selective Abortions and Instrumental Births. A Unified Framework and World Evidence.
7) Baland, JM., Woitrin, F., Duprez, C. & Gelade, W. (2024). 'Made in Dignity': the Redistributive Impact of Fair Trade.
1) Babatoundé, A., Capéau, B. & Houssa, R. (2023). Welfare effects of indirect tax policies in West Africa.
2) Farè, L., Dejardin, M. & Toulemonde, E. (2023). Bankruptcy recovery rate and small businesses' innovation.
3) Li, T., Trimarchi, L., Yang, G. & Xie, R. (2023). The unintended Consequences of trade protection on the environment.
4) Renk, A. & Manuel C. (2023). Patriarchy on the map: Women’s empowerment trajectories in Nepal’s changing social context.
5) Álvarez-Aragón, P., Guirkinger, C. & Villar, P. (2023). Legacy of Colonial Education: Unveiling Persistence Mechanisms in the D. R. Congo
1) Baland, JM., Bequet, L., Guirkinger, C. & Manuel, C. (2022). Sharing norm, household efficiency and female demand for agency in the Philippines.
2) Fabre, B. & Sangnier, M. (2022). Where do politicians send pork? Evidence from central government transfers to French municipalities.
3) Bequet, L. (2022). Agricultural productivity and land inequality. Evidence from the Philippines.
4) Guirkinger, C. & Villar, P. (2022). Pro-birth policies, missions and fertility: Historical evidence from Congo.
5) Baraka Kusinza, D. (2022). Are American women more deprived than men?
6) Pelras, C. & Renk, A. (2022). When sterilizations lower immunizations: The emergency experience in India (1975-77)
1) Baland, JM., Cassan, G. & Decerf, B. (2021). The Poverty-Adjusted Life Expectancy Index: a Consistent aggregation of the Quantity and the Quality of Life.
2) Cassan, G. & Sangnier, M. (2021). The impact of 2020 French municipal elections on the spread of COVID-19.
3) Laurent, H., Sangnier, M. & Treibich, C. (2021). Traffic safety and norms of compliance with rules: An exploratory study.
4) Chai, A., Kiedaisch, C. & Rohde N. (2021). The saturation of household spending diversity and emergent properties of representative households.
5) Pelras, C. & Renk, A. (2021). Sterilizations and immunization in India: The Emergency experience (1975-1977).
6) Libois, F., Baland, JM., Delbart, N. & Pattanayak, S. (2021). Community Forest Management: The story behind a success story in Nepal.
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